We direct 2 Winter Programs at our Facility throughout the winter. They are meant to compliment one another so that you may participate in both.

Additionally, we believe indoor soccer can be of great value & great fun for players. We are happy to assist in organizing teams for JC Indoor League; however we do not host games or trainings. All games are at their facility in Unicoi.

Skills Acquisition –

This course is for beginners and intermediate level.

The absolute basics will be covered to establish an appreciation for soccer techniques or, with a committed attitude, a foundation for advancement to higher-level soccer.

Maximum capacity per group is 12 players with a player coach ratio of 6:1.

The purpose of the course is three-fold:

One: To inspire players.
Two: To teach the build-up of each technique.
Three: How to train yourself to acquire these skills.

Agility Training

These sessions are for Intermediate and Elite level players. Ages 8-19.

  1. 10 Week Agility Training: Focused sessions (60 minutes) training to develop quicker response to the unpredictable steps we take in sports.
  2. In Season Agility Training: Focused mini-session (30 minutes) training to develop quicker response to the unpredictable steps we take in sports.

Indoor Play –

Through Johnson City Indoor League we coordinate teams to be able to competitively play during their holiday and winter sessions.

Agility Training Description:

We will mix agilities, High-intensity Interval training (HIIT), AND High-intensity circuit training (HICT) – *Klika B, Jordan C.

The latter two combine both cardio and resistance training in the same workout. They may alternate upper and lower body movements as well as high-intensity and lower-intensity exercises.

High-intensity circuit training using body weight: Maximum results with minimal investment.

ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, click here for article.

The idea is a challenging, total body routine that promises increased: Speed. Strength & Support over time.

Via Stations or Group Work, we will have each exercise done for repeated time on: [i.e. 30 seconds], partnered with a rest [i.e. for 10 seconds].

Repeat one to three (or more) times.

The differences:

For Agility, we are solely focused on their form, getting the movement right, not their speed.

For circuit training, the level of intensity assigned to each exercise can be variable, whereas for HIIT we will encourage maximum effort (repetitions, speed) in the designated time.

Benefits of Agility Training:

Better Coordination / Better Balance / Increased Body Awareness / Increased Cardio Conditioning / Increased Endorphins / Improved Habits / Improved Re-Action Times / Injury Prevention / Team Building / Fun!

Be on the Look Out for our Family Battle Agility Sessions!

Challenge your bestie, their sibling(s), their mom or dad. Who will come out on top?!